Summer in October

Today was at least 85 degrees and sunny, a perfect summer beach day in October! As predicted, the waves were small and good. And …

Score at SSS

After almost three weeks out of the water, I can still surf! Today, for the first time, I actually surfed my adopted southern sur…

First fall session

I hate to say it, because I live for summer, but it's begun to feel more like fall already. The air is different, the light i…

Surprise session

Never listen to Surfline. They said flat, and I planned a flat day, cleaning my apartment. Then I saw people heading to the beach…


I will not tell you the name of the gospel song which was playing in my head today. Beautiful as it is, no one's ever heard o…

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The good (three foot) waves continue. I got some rides today and thought I was doing well. I mean, I'm on a board I don't…

Back to the Blue

I'm so glad now that I didn't sell my old board, my 8-6 Blue. Any money I would have made is irrelevant compared to the o…


No, not me, thank god. I didn't get a scratch on me. It's my board. My nearly brand new Robert August hideously expensive…

Rain session

Today was the first time I've ever (intentionally) gone surfing in the rain. I was up early hoping for good waves, which ther…