No More Making Excuses

On my way home from my doctor's appointment. No, I'm not putting weight on my right leg. It just looks that way because my knee brace has my leg locked in a straight-leg position so there's no much clearance between my foot and the ground. PS: I love my hot pink sneakers!

Lately, I've been reading a lot about the need to get out of our comfort zones - to abandon the tried and true, to be afraid and to experience something new - and how in doing so, you learn, grow, and become stronger. I've been seeing tweets about someone's latest race and/or PR or describing a great run or spin class or otherwise proving how they are getting out there and going after their goals. As I read these, I have automatically thought, "I would totally do that but I'm injured."

I believe in the importance of being uncomfortable. For me, when I think about challenging myself, I usually think about physical tests - a new workout, a hard interval or strength training session, a race, a new sport. But there are so many other ways that I can challenge myself that do not involve being mobile or active.


I've realized that since my surgery, I've been using my recovery as an excuse. While my injury may hold me back from some of the physical challenges and amazing fitness workouts that I want to do, it doesn't and shouldn't hold me back from stepping outside of my comfort zone. Yes, I do know that I have to give my body time to rest and recover and that it's not the ideal time to test my limits. But I'm not saying that. I just think that I've been cocooning myself in the safety of my recovery, which has enabled me to be content with just feeling meh and being a blob on the couch.

Earlier this year, I said that I was going to make it count. So, I'm going to stop using my injury as an excuse. However, I promise I will still ask for help when I can't reach something.

Professionally, I am working hard to build my consulting business and expand the type of work that I do even though it's hard and scary...and hard and scary.

Personally, I'm trying to let go and embrace change, which is somewhat difficult for this Type-A, micro-manager. But this month is going to be a whirlwind. It's going to be messy but we'll make it through OK, just one day at a time.

And, this blog is definitely moving me beyond my comfort zone. Putting my thoughts, experiences and emotions out there to have them embraced (or not) by readers I don't know is definitely forcing this introvert to be a bit more extroverted.

So tell me, what are you doing to move beyond your comfort zone?

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