One Lovely Blog Award
One of the things that has continued to amaze me is the incredible people that I have had the opportunity to get to know through blogging and how supportive the blogging community truly is. I had heard "things" about the blogging community and how people come together and support each other but I didn't believe it. Well, the past six months or so has proved me wrong.
Last week, I found out that Lisa at Run Wiki passed on to me the One Lovely Blog award. This also reminded me that Michelle at Rage Your Way Thin passed on the Liebster Award to me way back in April! I can't believe that it's taken me so long to pay it forward! I'm honored. I hope it's OK with you but I'm cheating a little and combining the two awards. Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who awarded the award and link back to their blogs: Thank you Lisa and Michelle!
2. Tell 5-7 random things about yourself that no one knows.
3. Pass on the award to up to 15 blogs you follow and like/admire/wish they were yours (One Lovely Blog Award) or 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
4. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog/tweet so they know about the award.
So, in addition to my 11 random things and my 10 summer memories, here are 5 more random things about me. Geez, I think that you guys know just about everything at this point!
I'd like to pass the award on to these lovely blogs but there are so many blogs out there that I really enjoy reading. Go check them out! I promise you won't be disappointed.
Last week, I found out that Lisa at Run Wiki passed on to me the One Lovely Blog award. This also reminded me that Michelle at Rage Your Way Thin passed on the Liebster Award to me way back in April! I can't believe that it's taken me so long to pay it forward! I'm honored. I hope it's OK with you but I'm cheating a little and combining the two awards. Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who awarded the award and link back to their blogs: Thank you Lisa and Michelle!
2. Tell 5-7 random things about yourself that no one knows.
3. Pass on the award to up to 15 blogs you follow and like/admire/wish they were yours (One Lovely Blog Award) or 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
4. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog/tweet so they know about the award.
So, in addition to my 11 random things and my 10 summer memories, here are 5 more random things about me. Geez, I think that you guys know just about everything at this point!
- I speak and understand enough Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Polish to get by in a pinch when traveling in those countries.
- Despite having braces twice (Yes, twice) I still have crooked teeth. Don't get my Mom started on that one.
- I had a perm when I was about 8 years old. I looked like an old Chinese lady.
- I'm quite sentimental and, as a result, tend to be a pack rat. I have a hard time parting with clothes, books, knick knacks, etc. I have a box of old letters and journals that really just should be thrown away or burned.
- As we were leaving for our honeymoon, my husband got a call informing us that the bed & breakfast we planned on staying in had burned down. Luckily, at least we weren't planning on staying there until about 3-4 days into our trip.
I'd like to pass the award on to these lovely blogs but there are so many blogs out there that I really enjoy reading. Go check them out! I promise you won't be disappointed.
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