Five Years Old

Dear Jasper,

It's hard to believe that five years ago today, you made your entrance into this world albeit three weeks early. You surprised Daddy and me. We definitely weren't prepared for an early arrival. It was a good thing that Yee-Ma (my sister) was in town so that she could go to Buy Buy Baby for us and stock up on everything we needed. Here you are on your birthday back in 2007. Your cheeks were the biggest, droopiest things ever.


You've grown up so much in five years! It's hard to believe that you're going to start Kindergarten in the fall. You are officially a kid.

As you enter the world of kid-dom, here are some fun things about you:

1. You are one of the sweetest and most compassionate kids. You are always concerned about your friends and their feelings. You love rainbows and hearts and butterflies. At an age when kids are starting to separate more and more from their parents, all you want to do is cuddle with us on the couch.

2. You are a great big brother and Everett is very lucky. You loved him unconditionally from the day we brought him home. You take care of him and try to teach him all about the world, even though Everett can sometime knock down your elaborate buildings or ruin your games.

3. It amazes me that you can read by yourself, like really read. And do simple math. What?

4. You are constantly planning - birthday parties, trips and vacations, making lists. One of your favorite things to do is make your calendar at the beginning of each month with Daddy. The two of you sit on the couch and plot out all of your plans and activities for the next month. Then, you print it out and hang it on the refrigerator next to your school calendar.

5. You love maps and know the NYC subway system better than anyone. Whenever someone is in need of subway directions - adult or child - they ask you.

6. You have an uncanny ability to draw the on- and off-ramps of the New Jersey Turnpike.

7. You've progressed from your obsession with trains and subways to planes. In fact, you can spot a plane up in the sky and tell what airline it is from its tail. I have no idea how you can see an object that far away that clearly but you do. Of course you have your favorite airlines which currently are JetBlue and Delta. JetBlue I understand but Delta?

8. You are a little sponge, soaking up any and all information from the world around you. You love school. It's your favorite place to be.

9. You love your Bunny - a tattered old stuffed animal bunny modeled after the Goodnight Moon bunny. You have loved this poor thing to pieces and show no signs of giving him up. I love catching in deep conversation with Bunny.

10. I think that you are the only 5 year old I know that still takes regular afternoon naps. I'm not complaining.

Happy 5th Birthday Jasper!


{This post is linked up with Wordful Wednesday}

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