Scenes from My Weekend - San Francisco


It's hard not to laugh when I see this in my rear view mirror. He loves his cousins polka dot sunglasses and his "new" hat. And yes, that is a denim car seat cover. Don't judge.

The past week has been crazy. It's been a flurry of meetings and project plans for work projects that are starting to ramp up. As luck would have it, each of these projects seem to have the same deadline - roughly March 15. As a freelancer, it's often hard to turn down work when it's offered to you since you never know what the future holds - if work will continue to come your way or completely dry up. Oh, and we had contractors in our house for the better part of the past two weeks. Of course, the contractors originally said that they would be done in three to four days so when they returned for another week, I was sent to out of the house to find alternate places to work. When the contractors finally finished their job, they left a nice thick coat of dust across just about every surface in our house. 

It was also my younger son's half birthday. While we normally don't celebrate half birthdays, since his birthday is over the summer and he won't get to celebrate with his classmates then, his teachers asked that we celebrate his half birthday instead. That meant baking a batch of cupcakes, scrounging up some pictures to bring in and show his class and spending part of the afternoon with his class. Did I also mention that we were also traveling to California? Perfect timing...

We finally made it out to California on Saturday and have been enjoying the long weekend with my family. The boys love spending time with their cousins, Aunts, Uncle and Grandmother. The weather has been splendid. Minus some issues with jetlag i.e. 4am-5am wake-up calls from the boys, we're having a good time. I wanted to share some of the scenes from our weekend.

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