Scenes From My Weekend - Easter
This weekend signaled the start of the boys' spring break. After Ed and I realized that vacation actually started on Friday instead of Saturday, we scrambled to find a babysitter for the boys so that we could work. I guess that's one of the downsides of being a freelancer - you're not as clued in to all the official office holidays. Baseball season also kicked off at the end of last week and the boys were excited to watch the first Yankees game of the season.
The boys busied themselves with preparations for Easter. Jasper cut out paper eggs and diligently decorated them while Everett coordinated numerous egg hunts in the house. He hid the handful of plastic eggs that we have in random and not-so-hidden locations around the living room - like on top of the TV console or next to a lamp. He led us around the room to find the eggs. Once we found them, we had to place them in our "cubby." Needless to say, he was well-prepared for the egg hunt at his Grandparents' house on Sunday morning.
I had a follow-up visit with my doctor on Friday. Everything is healing well and I get to start physical therapy today which I am thankful for. I'm itching to start rebuilding my strength and range of motion so that I can finally bend my knee!! Apparently, I was to have started trying to walk on my own using one or no crutches. Oops. I didn't realize that but there was a part of me that was scared too. When I tried to walk at the doctor's office, I was very shaky and wasn't able to do it without the support of my crutches. Even then, I managed only a slight shuffle forward. But since then, I've started putting more weight on my leg and walking around the house using only one crutch. Progress! Two weeks down in the brace. Two more weeks to go.
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