Holiday Spirit and the Truth about Santa

Do you remember when you first found out the truth about Santa Claus? I don't remember exactly how old I was when I figured it out but I don't remember it being a huge traumatic discovery like it was for some of my friends. I just remember that one year there was Santa and then the next year there wasn't Santa and it wasn't a big deal. I had hoped that when I had kids, it would be a little different, a bit more of the Christmas magic. It's not important to me that they believe in Santa per se. It's more about the wonder and awe surrounding Santa and the holidays and seeing that reflected in their eyes.

Well, it appears as if the gig is up, at least for my older son who's almost five years old. He seems to have figured it out. He's always been a perceptive boy who thinks through things very logically. So, of course, he started asking very logical questions like how Santa can see/hear what all the children are doing all over the world from the North Pole, how reindeers fly, how does Santa know to bring some gifts to his grandparents house in New Jersey when our Christmas tree is in New York, etc. The best was when he saw Santa at one of the many holiday celebrations around town and asked, "Is that really Santa or just a man dressed up in a costume?" I knew that he would eventually learn the truth about Santa but I wasn't expecting the questioning to begin at this early of an age.


Then he stumbled upon some Christmas gifts stacked up high in the hall closet which I thought were out of his eye sight. Having spied a New York City Transit articulated bus on the top shelf, he asked "Is that a gift for me for Christmas?" Then, not meaning to snoop, he came across the gift he wanted to ask Santa for, except that we hadn't visited Santa yet. Oops. In that moment, I kind of felt like I failed as a mother.

Now I believe that he's just messing with us. The other morning, he asked about the gifts under the tree, "Did Santa bring those gifts last night...or did Mommy put them there?" While he hasn't come right out and said that he doesn't believe in Santa - maybe he hasn't fully put two and two together - I know that there doubts setting in. I just hope he doesn't tell his younger brother.

Regardless, I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit. We finally got a tree and put up some decorations. New York City is kind of magical during the holidays. I love walking around and seeing all the holiday displays and soaking up the hustle and bustle around the city. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is a week and a half away. With family coming into town and other holiday preparations and celebrations, I feel like it's a race from now until the end of the year. How are you all preparing for the holidays?

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