Finding Time for Fitness - Part 2

A few weeks ago, I shared some tips on how I manage to find time to fit in fitness during my busy days as a working parent. It was nice to hear that many of you use similar tactics to sneak in some sweat time during the day like working out during nap time or including your kids in exercise through walks, hikes, Zumba - you name it. Many of you work out first thing in the morning either before your kids are awake or right after dropping them off at school in order to get it done before the day has a chance to get away from you. I think my favorite comment was from Tracy at Sellabit Mum who said, "Does it suck getting up at 4:30? OMGYES. But totally worth it by the time I'm hitting the pavement."

Luci Gabel left one of the best tips - just don't think about it"Too many people think they need to 'feel' like exercising or be 'in the mood' to exercise first. Which is not the case at all." I completely agree. I know that if I think about something too long, I can come up with every excuse in the book and rationalize my ways out of it in about 5 minutes flat. Now, if I have the opportunity to go work out on a day which I hadn't previously planned on going to a spin/yoga/TRX class, I just do it. I may not want to go down to the gym or for a run right at that moment but I make it count and I know that I will feel better afterwards.


In reading through all your comments, the biggest thing that came across to me was the fact that it all starts with not only making fitness a priority but making ourselves a priority. If fitness isn't a priority, it's so easy to put off working out in favor of doing other things like the dishes or laundry or cleaning which may seem more "important" to do when we plan out our schedules for the day or week or when we find ourselves with a bit of free time. If we don't make ourselves a priority, we are much more susceptible to feeling guilty about taking time away from others, from work and from household chores or asking for help so that we can work out. We may feel that we need to put everyone else's needs before our own.

But this isn't about focusing on ourselves in a superficial way. It's about focusing on our health - physical, mental and emotional health. When we are healthy, we are able to be the best partner/spouse, parent, friend, daughter/son, sibling, employer/employee, etc. that we can be. As a parent, I believe that it's one of the most responsible things that I can do, not only to set a positive example for my kids and help them develop good habits, but because I'm investing in my health to ensure that I'm around to raise my kids and watch them grow up.

What do you think? Do you find it hard to make yourself a priority? Do you get push-back from family and friends about working out?

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