Scenes from my weekend - Music

I love New York City in the summer. Yes, it can be hot and humid and gross, especially if you have to commute by subway day in and day out, but there are so many things going on from outdoor concerts and movies to farmers markets in full swing to free outdoor fitness classes. The city also seems to quiet down since many New Yorkers leave town. It almost feels empty at times. 

One of the best things about living in Brooklyn is the Celebrate Brooklyn! concert series in Prospect Park. It brings together an amazing line-up of well-known and up-and-coming performers for free concerts throughout the summer. In all our years of living here, incredibly, Ed and I have never attended a Celebrate Brooklyn event. We've watched and listened from outside of the fence surrounding the event space but we've never actually been inside the fence. 

On Friday, we finally stepped inside. They've created this cool, laid-back vibe in the middle of Prospect Park, kind of like you are at a music festival somewhere out in the woods and not in the middle of Brooklyn. We went to see the Head and the Heart, a great band from Seattle. I first saw the band back in March and couldn't wait to see them again. It felt good to have an adult evening. 

Weekly Chase time! My goals for last week were to complete Week 1 of the JCORE and clean up my eating habits. Today is Day 9 of the 40 day program and I have to tell you, those 20 minute workouts are intense. It's not so much that the exercises themselves are hard per se but that they challenge your muscles to balance and stabilize your body which I believe is a lot harder than just pumping a lot of weights. I'm sore but in a I've-missed-feeling-this-sore kind of way. This week, I start a new set of JCORE workouts and I excited to see how the workouts progress and change.

The eating part...has been more challenging. I mentioned last week that I'm not good at sticking with a specific diet or meal plan. And I haven't. I'm not good at keeping a food journal or configuring my meals to meet a specific allotment of protein, carbs, fats, fruits and veggies per meal. I try to pay attention and make sure that I'm staying within the general guidelines.

Lastly, this wasn't in my goals for last week but I finally bit the bullet and set up a Facebook page for the blog. It's been a long time coming. Now it's up! It will be a place where I will share interesting tidbits, articles and workouts that I come across, keep you updated on ASP surf contests and be a place where we can have more conversation. Won't you come over, take a look and like my page if you're so inclined? 

For this week, my goals include:
  1. Complete Week 2 of JCORE
  2. Continue to focus on improving my eating by being mindful, eating more vegetables and protein (i.e. don't live on Chobani and granola alone), and drink more water. I realize that this is going to be an on-going process in order to change old habits. 
I'm also doing some other housekeeping here on the blog and there might be some changes coming up this week. Stay tuned!

Did you have a good weekend? What tips do you have to help you eat clean? What do you like to see on Facebook pages? What kinds of things would you like to see on my Facebook page?

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