Cold Water Gear: San Sebastian, Spain

“Yah, well, I’m just learning, so I couldn’t really tell you the difference.”
“Yah, it was pretty fun over there,” I replied.
“You two were pretty far out there,” Beard guy answered.
“So, uh, we are going to study at that bar with wife near Molly Malone’s tonight,” I said.

“Where do you study?” Joan asked.
I spotted a meager wave approaching, and reasoned that if I caught it and made a few turns I might impress him. I paddled hard and sprang to my feet getting three solid turns before the wave dissipated and I jumped over the back.
“Nice!” Joan shouted as I paddled back towards them. I saw another wave heading our way.
“Go, go, you can get that!” I yelled to hippie-boy.
The mountain man flailed his arms and paddled hard just to fall as soon as he managed to catch the wave. Joan caught the same wave and rode it all the way to the beach. As the mountain man paddled back to the line-up I tried to encourage him.
“Hey, way to catch that one!”
“Thanks,” he answered.
“Well, uh, I think I’m gonna head in.”
“See ya,” he answered never taking his eyes off the immense ocean.
As I began to paddle away feeling a bit defeated, something told me to try one last time.

“I’m just gonna go my buddie’s place,” he answered, waved, and turned back to scout the surf. My heart sank; my confidence was blown. I was shivering, and all I could think about was how stupid I felt. I wanted to drown myself in a simmering hot shower.
“Girl, it’s his loss!” Joan answered when I filled her in on my pick-up attempt as we jogged up the beach.
“Don’t forget there are many fish in the sea,” she said as we parted ways and I continued to jog towards my apartment. When I got there I paused at the bottom of the stairwell and looked critically into the full length mirror. I started laughing hysterically; no wonder he wasn’t interested! My face was totally squished together from the hood and my checks bulged out the opening. I usually just put the hood on when I was at the beach, so I was not aware of how silly I looked in it. I imagined myself as a sleek and sexy surf diva, when in reality I resembled a bloated alien!
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