My Hero
On August 25th, 1972 a 17 year old girl was brutally attacked, raped and left along the side of the road to die.
At the advice of this young girl’s mother, she found herself at a “back alley abortion facility” in Oct of 1972. As she faced this man, about to take her child's life... This young woman made the most selfless decision and chose to keep her baby, regardless of the circumstances. She then sacrificed the next few months...When most 17-year-olds would be enjoying their senior year, this innocent young lady was instead hidden from the outside world. Until one evening in April of 1973, when she gave birth to her baby. Two hours after giving birth, she abandoned her baby at a small hospital in Ohio. This abandoned baby was Monica Kelsey.
This is where the baby boxes “journey” began.
Monica has made it her personal mission to educate others on the Safe Haven Laws and the importance of saving these innocent babies from being abandoned.
As a medic and firefighter, Monica has devoted her life to saving the lives of others.
It's truly astonishing, her life was saved so that she could save the lives of others! I have never known a more selfless, and dedicated person. She is a real- life hero, and my hero. Thank you, Monica!
Genesis 50:20- You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
To find out more, or to give towards this amazing cause please visit our website at
I'm your Mrs. International reminding you-
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