We have to remember that we also fall short of the glory of God every day and we aren’t perfect. We can show grace to others and situations because God gave it freely to us. We show it when we realize we have received it. I realized that it was an issue of pride. An issue that I had to overcome and one that would destroy meaningful relationship if I couldn’t.
This issue stems from my battle with perfectionism, but I am so thankful to say that it’s something that Jesus has faithfully helped me with. I’d like to think I have it all together, but sadly that’s not reality. I do my best; just like all of us. I have good days and bad days; but each day needs to point people back to Him. I’m not saying it’s always easy… but I am saying it’s worth it.
What makes us the authority over what is “right” or “perfect”? Grace allows us to break up with the idea of perfection and grab onto the idea of love and acceptance. Let’s show beauty to others and situations by showing them grace and removing our expectations of perfection from everyone and everything!
True beauty isn’t perfect - but it does love others… exhibit self-control… have patience… and extend grace.
Redefining Beauty Worldwide,
Amanda Moreno
Miss International 2016
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