Never Lose Hope

It's never really a surprise when Satan begins attacking me.  I've come to expect it.  I actually try to view it as a sign I'm doing something right... a sign of better things ahead!  

That's not to say these attacks don't hit me where it hurts. 

I struggled with having to put in extra hours at work for a few weeks, taking my focus away from my blog and my dreams.  While it's finally slowed down, it's still a bit intense. Last week I felt the makings of a sinus infection and it absolutely engulfed me when it finally arrived.  I missed church Sunday morning, which only happens when I'm super sick, recovering from a surgery, or out of town... and missing church just messes me up for the week!  And, this weekend my endo (endometriosis) rared its ugly head and is absolutely pouring salt on my already painful, open wounds.  

Right now I'm struggling.  I'm struggling to feel well, I'm struggling to keep my chin up, I'm struggling to keep my head in the game, I'm struggling to fight off feelings of just wanting to give up on some of my dreams.  

Those little lies Satan whispers to you begin to seep into your mind.  You absorb them as your own.  You entertain them.  Before you know it, you start to believe them.  

You've arrived at a crucial point.

Do you keep fighting or give up?

It's easy to stop trying, to stop putting yourself in unfamiliar territory, to stop fighting for yourself, to stop believing in your dreams.  Our comfort zone is known and somewhat comfortable.  It's easy to keep doing what you've always done.  But doing the same thing doesn't produce different results.

In this crucial moment we must decide whether or not we're really happy with where we are, with what those same old things are getting us... or aren't getting us.  We must determine if our dreams are more important than this moment of weakness - this attack from the devil.  He's clearly aware of the path you're on and he knows the difference it will make in your life and the lives of others if you make the choice to keep fighting.  He doesn't want that but...


John 10:10 says "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."  

This verse reminds me of the hope we have in our Father!  Satan is a thief who wants to steal your joy, your security, your hope.  He wants to destroy your dreams, your future, your relationships, your family, your life.

God is so much bigger than that!

"So Jesus said to them "Because of our unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."  Matthew 17:20

Never lose hope.  Please don't give up.  Don't believe the lies from the devil.  Have faith, even as tiny as a mustard seed, in what God can do and where He'll take you!  Trust, even when you can't see a way.  Keep trying when you want to quit. Believe in the power and the beauty of your dreams!  Believe that God is there for you and with you.  Believe that He will never leave you!  Believe that when you ask Him for help, He will be by your side.  Thank Him for what He's done, for what He's doing, and for what He's going to do for you.  Believe that when we are weak, He is strong... and that strength will get us through!

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