
What inspires you?  I've been thinking about inspiration lately and would love to get your thoughts.

Recently, I have started following several online movements to inspire girls and women in extreme sports.  One that has caught my attention with awe inspiring videos and stories is The Female Wolfpack.  Check out the teaser video below or by clicking on this link.


Femalewolfpack_Teaser from rachaelburks on Vimeo. is the first website conceived to be a platform for female visibility in action sports. This is a taste for some of the things that you can expect to see on the site. It is a free platform for professional and amateur girls to be seen getting rad in their respective disciplines. We hope to be a source for both face-melting and inspiration.

TitsDeep is another women's sports movement that has become popular.  Of course controversy exists over their name; however, these are remarkable young women who are skilled whitewater kayakers challenging themselves by competing and paddling extreme whitewater.  The Creation of TitsDeep video is below or you can click on this link.

The Creation of TiTS DEEP from Airborn Athletics on Vimeo.
Chapter ONE
We aim to build confidence in female's own ability, convincing them to move away from the stereotypical, timid image of what a woman should and shouldn't do, pushing them to test themselves to new levels.

What do you think? I feel inspired watching these videos. Regardless of the discipline or extreme, I am inspired to get out - whether in the woods, shredding on singletrack on my mountain bike or out in the ocean, surfing waves.  It doesn't matter that I don't huck big jumps or ride the biggest waves.  What matters is that I DO IT and do it with skill, style, and a HUGE happy feeling in my heart.  

I am feeling inspired by the positive attitude brewing in extreme sports toward women - its more than ok to be a girl - its AWESOME!!!  Men and women are different and both have extolling virtues - let's embrace them (the virtues and the guys).

Over the past year, NRS Souls + Water has been sharing inspiring videos and thought provoking blogs.  Their latest "Embracing Your Inner Dumbass:  A Girls Guide to Paddling Like a Guy" has some interesting points for all of us who are a bit too cognitive.  I share the post because it is about valuing and learning from the virtues of others and how to inspire ourselves to overcome fear.

Please share your thoughts about inspiration - via comments, facebook, or email.  I am soul searching my role in inspiring others.

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