Surf Like A Woman

“My biggest compliment is not that I surf like a man, but that I surf like a woman.  If someone watches me ride a wave, I want them at the end of it to know that I’m in love with the ocean.”  Leah Dawson

I recently came across this quote by Leah Dawson in an article Leah Dawson Might Save Women's Surfing.  I clicked on it because I didn't know that women's surfing was in danger (and I am not sure that it is).  The article shared with me a new surf heroine and rekindled my fire for playing in the ocean and sharing that passion with others.  Here's the video about Leah Dawson.

Both Jeff and I are looking to rekindle other's passion for playing in the surf and coaching them on how to kayak surf with style and finesse.  Check out Liquid Fusion Kayaking's November News - Gone Surfing.


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