Why I should write for YOUR magazine

As you know, I've been recently named a Fitfluential Ambassador. Fitfluential is starting to partner with some healthy living and fitness publications and I have the opportunity to "audition" to write or do video posts for these digital publications. While I can't share any names yet, they'd like to see what I'm all about and if their readers would like to read what I have to say. 

I love writing and I love sharing my passion for healthy living and fitness. The opportunity to be a contributing writer for such a magazine would be a dream. Healthy living magazines have been my constant companion for well over 20 years and have played a huge role in nurturing my love for all things health and fitness and also in encouraging me to try new things.

While I've been active my whole life and grew up playing sports, I never have considered myself an athlete and I would have never imagined that health and fitness would play such a prominent role in my life. I was not the fastest runner or highest scorer but I was a dependable team player. Sports were something that I was required to do in high school but never something I was passionate about. 


Once I entered college, I started going to the gym by myself, mainly sticking with cardio machines like the stair master or treadmill because I wanted to stay active but more likely because I was dealing with a bout of disordered eating. That's when I first started subscribing to fitness magazines. I was drawn to the healthy eating and strength training tips as well as the stories about real women and how fitness transformed their lives. Through reading these magazines, I learned to appreciate and respect my body and arm myself with the tools I needed to take better care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally.

Looking at myself and my life today, I do consider myself an athlete. Health and fitness are a core part of who I am as a woman, wife and mother. I run, swim, ski, spin, and yoga. I've run 3 marathons and completed an olympic triathlon. I developed a love for TRX and am longing to try new activities such as CrossFit and Kettlebells. Being fit keeps me healthy and sane. Being fit not only helps me build physical strength but also mental strength to handle whatever challenges life throws at me.

While you may not see workout plans or recipes on this blog, you will witness my adventures through life. My readers come back to my blog for the stories that I share, my experiences as a mom of two young boys who is trying to balance working at home, fitness, family and healthy living, and the lessons that I've learned through these experiences. I share the challenges I encounter, my successes and setback as well as how I choose to handle these situations in a real and honest way. In this past year, I've taken several leaps of faith and have made a commitment to live more intentionally and gratefully.

More specifically, readers come to read about my quest to learn to surf. After learning to surf last year and falling head over heels in love with the sport, I couldn't find many surf-related resources online that I could relate to. Most of the information out there assumed a certain level of knowledge and/or experience and didn't address the basic questions or trials and tribulations of a beginner surfer. Surfing is growing in popularity and there are more and more beginners out there thirsty for information.

I've discovered that I have the ability to connect with, support and encourage others in their journey. Over the past three months alone, the number of visitors to my blog has tripled, my page views have nearly tripled and my Twitter followers have increased five-fold. That shows me that the stories I share resonate with a growing audience. I would love nothing more than to be able to empower others in their healthy living journey.

Tell me, why do you like reading my blog? What do you think I'd be good at? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!!

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