So, what's the point?

I have been thinking a lot about this blog, why I decided to start writing it and what I want to get from this experience. I know that some people may consider surfing to be an "extreme" sport which may make it feel like some of the posts are difficult to relate to. I think that there's something about the combination of the ocean/the unpredictability of the waves and the idea of trying to stand up, balance and maneuver a surf board that is a bit intimidating. Unlike skiing or snowboarding, you are pushing against and reacting to a surface that is constantly changing. However, it is a sport that is growing in popularity. I mean, I see surfing mentioned in practically every fitness magazine I read and it seems like every other celebrity is trying it from Reese Witherspoon to Lady Gaga. And I don't mean Stand Up Paddleboarding. I mean surfing.

But I guess the point of this blog isn't just about surfing, although that is a big part of it. It's about how I, as a mom-wife-freelance consultant-daughter-sister,etc., can take better care of myself and incorporate my interests into my life while balancing it with family and work and everything else. It's about how you can take up a new hobby and keep up with it and not let it just be a fleeting thing. For me, that thing is surfing. I know that if I were at a different stage in my life, I would completely immerse myself in surfing, spending time reading about it, talking to other people about it, training, and practicing.

One of the things I struggle with is finding and maintaining my own identity. I think that many moms experience this - how your life and identity can often become subsumed once you start a family. Suddenly everything revolves around caring for the baby - as it should - but it's easy to lose a sense of yourself. But among all of these changes and changing priorities, how do you find and maintain your own identity in addition to being a mom and a wife? How do you continue to nourish your own soul, identity and interests without seeming to be selfish? 

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