Adieu Knee Brace

I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor last Friday, roughly one month after knee surgery. He checked my range of motion and made sure that my new ACL had settled in and taken hold. He asked me to walk down the hall without my brace or crutches.

I had been practicing for this moment. I had been walking around with one or no crutches most of the week, getting used to the feeling of putting more weight on my right leg. As I hobbled down the hall, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. But he called after me and said, "Stop limping." I scrunched up my face and started walking normally.


"You're still limping."


Despite my failure to not limp, my doctor did give me the good news that I could lose my knee brace. Hooray! I was more than ready to be done with my brace. After a month, it felt like a guest who had overstayed their welcome.

Don't get me wrong. My knee brace has some great qualities that I've come to appreciate:

1. Since it's a locked straight-leg brace, it has forced me to kick my feet up and relax which I don't do nearly enough.

2. I've always wanted to accessorize more.

3. It has forced me to work on my pistol squat form - right leg straight, squat down on the left.

4. It has provided an endless source of entertainment for my kids. "Mommy! You have a robot leg!!!!"

5. Most importantly, it has kept my knee safe.

Adieu knee brace. May we never cross paths again.

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