Weekly Re-Cap

So the week that was huh? The week where we can all raise our heads in hope that Nelson, "Surf City" , is well and truly back in action and ready to meet our wave starved demands.

Tuesday saw our first decent rainfall in ages and everyone on the search mission. The strong north/northeasterly wind keeping everyone slightly confused along with tides that just didnt want to co-operate however some waves were had with Chris Saunders, Gary, Jimmy McKay and Jackson among the frothers tearing up The Glen later in the afternoon as Conal Parkes , Frosty and a couple of Blenheim boys scored Cable Bay doing its magical wind thing.

Fitzy, myself, Jason Hylkema and Greg Law did the wild goose chase and ended up missing everything!!.

Meanwhile Dunedin Rob, Olin Pilcher and another unknown took the little ducky over and scored some heaving outside cut at a solid 6ft.

Wednesday dawn saw some mega-frothers trying to beat the tide at Snappers but it was the tide that won overall and after lunch that day some nice waves in the 2-4ft range rolled through Snappers. A massive influx of grommets in the water helped along by "Q"'s Nelson College Surf Team.
Great to see fresh local faces in the water as some of the elders of the tribe have departed and gone their seperate waves! Changing of the Guard some may say.....
Friday , saw a glassy norwest windswell generated by high winds north of seperation point and out in the Stephens coastal area, Snappers was once again pulling out the fun times with the usual suspects all amongst it.
So, the water is cooling and the lows are forcing their way up into the Tasman and looking ahead the future looks bright!!!!

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