Weekly Re-Cap

So a couple days of swell this week with the wednesday being the pick of it. Wednesday morning saw everyone on a wild goose chase with surfers ending up at all kinds of different breaks. Scotty, Pooley, Olin, Fitzy, Keni and Russ all scoring Cable Bay after a mid-morning glass-off whilst Chris Saunders, Frosty , Rach Hills, Hulk and myself revelled in 3ft Rabbit Island. Snappers was surfed through the high tide supposedly with a super glass off session round midday rumoured to be "pumping".
Then, just when you thought It was safe to go back to work, it turns out Delaware even threw together a few lines later in the arvo with Keni and Dunedin ROb some of the luckies amongst it.

Finally a condolence to all of you who were stuck at work missing out on wednesday, if you hear that it wasnt that great, then best you just believe that ok!!


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