Why aren't we skiing?

You might have heard about (or seen or experienced) the record snowfalls this winter both in the East and in the West. In fact, Hunter Mountain in upstate New York, a place I'm fond of, just received....guess what...SEVEN FEET of snow.

So why, on this nice Sunday afternoon, with so many local ski (and snowboard) hills bursting with record amounts of snowfall, were so many people out surfing? Why weren't we skiing?

Or, you may have been thinking, "Grandma, where is the annual ski blog you've had every year where you report about the great time you had on a ski trip? After all, it's almost March already!"

Grandma is in the same position of many other people right now, of having much less money than I did this time last year.

Planes, hotels, lift tickets, equipment...you know how much that can all add up to. And my credit card's maxed out. I may not get a ski trip.

But the ocean doesn't charge fifty to seventy dollars for admission, thank Neptune. And it doesn't cost me a cent in gas, or in plane, train, bus or even subway fare to get to it. It's free. Blissfully free.

And it was fun today, so much fun I forgot about the seven feet of snow fun I was missing out on.

And no lift lines! But, the equivalent: crowds!

Summer style crowds in February!

Winter surfing makes no sense anymore! What the hell is the point of freezing your ass (and your toes and your nose and all your other body parts) off if you have to deal with crowds, people getting in your way, people cutting you off?

There's no way to keep pretending my booties don't have holes in them. They do. But it's late in the season and I don't have money for new ones (see above), so my toes will have to freeze for a while longer.

But...I just went on the internet in search of mad cheap ski accommodations close to home, and may have come up with something. If I have, I'm there. I'll keep you posted.

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