There is something really special about International Pageants. It’s just not the beautiful crown or our lovely host city. It lasts longer than the stones on my sash and out lives the flowers I received on coronation night. At International Pageants, we are a family… and it’s one of the most beautiful sights to see. We laugh together, cry together, and change the world together.
The young ladies I competed with at Miss International are each unique and beautiful far beyond just what we see on the outside. Whenever I get on Facebook, I see the phenomenal crowned representatives still working their platform and speaking out to change their communities. It puts a huge responsibility and weight on my heart to be the best Miss International I possibly can be. Any one of the girls I competed with could have been Miss International 2016 and it’s extremely humbling to know that I was selected as the representative out of a group of winners. I’ve built life-long friendships with ladies who I spent a week with… and it’s just amazing to see how quickly a sisterhood can form even under extreme stress and pressure.
Our Staff and Sponsors are incomparable. I think one of the hardest parts of passing on my title will be knowing that I won’t get to see them as often as I have during this year of service. God has given us the most amazing team that has a relationship much deeper than the contract we sigh. He has brought us all together in this season of life and allowed us to love each other well and pour into each other each day. I remember the first time I met our team… I felt immediately at home. Each person has a heart of gold and is selfless, generous, and loving. It’s unlike anything I have ever experienced. Not only are they amazing Staff Members and Sponsors, they are friends and family.
I love our program for so many reasons, but the fact that we are genuinely family is totally in the top 5. Although I may have to pass on my crown to the next Miss International on August 5th… I know that the team and women I have encountered… they are family forever.
Redefining Beauty Worldwide,
Amanda MorenoMiss International 2017
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