A Pageant Binder?

Some of you have heard of a “pageant binder” or “pageant bible.” I have gotten a few questions recently on what in the world that is and what you should put in it. A pageant binder is where you keep an extra copy of all of your important information regarding you and the pageant. Here is an example of what all your pageant binder should/could include.
  1. Extra Headshot Copy
  2. Extra Platform Page 
  3. Extra Resume
  4. Extra Contract
  5. Your Handbook (or copies of it) 
  6. Copy of your Driver's License 
  7. Copy of your Birth Certificate 
  8. Copy of Rules and Regulations
  9. Copy of Ad Page 
  10. List of Typical Interview Questions
  11. Important Information or Notes on Current Events 
  12. Hotel Confirmation Information 
  13. Flight Itinerary/ Driving Plan
  14. Photo and Description of Wardrobe 
  15. Autograph Cards ( if you have them)
  16. List of Community Service 
  17. Copy of Paula Preston Order Form 
  18. Copy of Video Order Form
  19. Your Social Media Information 
  20. National Pageant and Current Queens Social Media Information 
  21. Copy of Coronation Ball Ticket Information 
  22. Copy of Fitness Order Form 
  23. Copy of Opening Number Order Form 
  24. Copy of Dunn and Dunn Hair and Makeup Information 
  25. Any Other Pageant Sponsor Information 
  26. Good Luck Notes from Family and Friends 
  27. Your Contact Information/ Emergency Contact Information (in case it is lost) 
  28. Any Other Tips or Information You May Need
I know it seems like a lot but trust me, having all of this information in one spot will help you greatly, especially during pageant week. Though it is fun, pageant week is also long and stressful! If you have extra copies and everything ready it will save you time and energy. Plus having notes of encouragement from family and friends really helps.

If you take the time to prepare before the pageant the better outcome and better experience you will have! So come prepared ladies! If you have any other question on what should be in your pageant binder, feel free to reach out to me.

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."

-Orison Swett Marden

Garin Harris
Miss Teen International 2016

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