Staying True To Your Values
As someone who has been there, my heart breaks. When our mind is in this state, we forget that we were created to stand out. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Princess Diaries and it’s, “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out. What makes you different makes you beautiful.” It’s totally different than trying to fit it; it’s celebrating that you were uniquely created.
Even as a young adult, I see pressures similar to what I faced as a young girl. The only difference is that now I fully grasp where my worth and values come from. There’s no question or consideration. If what is going on or is proposed to me is not within what I consider to be representative of who I am, who God has created me to be, or the rolemodel I’d like for other girls… I don’t do it. I’m not perfect but I do try best. I strive to be the peer rolemodel I needed when I was younger
As I watch styles and moral compasses change, I want all girls in the world to know that it’s ok to be the “modest good girl”. You don’t have to go out to bars every night, break the law, or make questionable decisions to be cool. When the questionable activities, wardrobe, or people come your way… I encourage you to take a moment to sit quietly and consider if it fits within who you are. If you’re not sure, the answer is more than likely no.
People who want to lift you up will celebrate you exactly as you are. They don’t need the “popular” girl… they just want you to stay true to your values and yourself.
Redefining Beauty Worldwide,
Amanda Moreno
Miss International 2016
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