The New Brew and the Poo
Living and surfing in Nelson for just on 13 years now I have seen a lot of things change and a lot of things stay the same. Seeing the Top Twins pull up at Snappers a couple of days ago was no exception. Aside from that myself and others have noticed lately, the rise of young talent starting to emerge from a semi-docile last few years we now have a full grommet attack rising from the depths with Josh Kensey-Sheridan (Ruby Bay) , Aulay Ferguson, Zac Dillon, Emma Pegg and a handful of othe kids all starting to get their acts together out in the water.The most important thing that sets this brat-pack apart from grommets of previous years is their age ranging from 13 to 15 years old with at least 3 more years of living and surfing in Nelson I for one am super excited to watch these guys and girls develop over the coming time.
Putting this into a boardriders club perspective this is perhaps perfect timing as we aim to push the club into a less stagnant group of actually doing stuff rather than saying and with that brings me to another topic.......poo.
I have occasionally smelt and seen the odd suss looking object out at Snappers over the years too but a couple of days ago was totally disgusted to see actual flakes of human faeces covered in mould floating around in the lineup. I hear from unofficial sources hat the plant pushes out 100parts to one of treated sewerage out of the outfall where the National average is 25 parts to one.
As a club we need to speak up because surfing at Snappers came way before poo-pumping although I have seen some pretty strange surfing styles on occasion.
The Nelson Mail is going to hear about this in the next couple of days and I invite anyone on hand to get involved in really sticking it to those responsible for the Snappers treatment plant.
Mouldy poo's just dont really sit right with me. Especially not beside me in the lineup.
Some awesome swell coming, see you in the soup.
Putting this into a boardriders club perspective this is perhaps perfect timing as we aim to push the club into a less stagnant group of actually doing stuff rather than saying and with that brings me to another topic.......poo.
As a club we need to speak up because surfing at Snappers came way before poo-pumping although I have seen some pretty strange surfing styles on occasion.
Mouldy poo's just dont really sit right with me. Especially not beside me in the lineup.
Some awesome swell coming, see you in the soup.
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