Appearances Outside Your Platform
One of the biggest aspects of the International Pageant system is definitely the importance of community service with your platform! However, everything you do as the titleholder doesn't have to be directly related to the cause you work for.
As Miss Teen International, I have had the opportunity to work with nearly 25 organizations in the first half of my reign while still maintaining a focus on Fuel Up to Play 60 and the American Heart Association. There are so many amazing organizations out there, and it definitely isn't a bad thing to support other causes.
That being said, it is important to remember that your platform and the organizations associated with your cause should be the primary focus of your interview and definitely the thing you work with the most.
It is very valuable for the judges to clearly see the cause and organization you are supporting while also seeing that you are versatile in your community service! The judges are looking for a well-rounded contestant.
It is all about balance! I think it is important for you as a contestant to not feel tied down because the opportunities to serve are endless. I hope you all find your “happy medium” when it comes to appearances outside your platform!
If you believe in something, believe in it all the way!
Blair Wortsmith
Miss Teen International 2014
That being said, it is important to remember that your platform and the organizations associated with your cause should be the primary focus of your interview and definitely the thing you work with the most.
It is very valuable for the judges to clearly see the cause and organization you are supporting while also seeing that you are versatile in your community service! The judges are looking for a well-rounded contestant.
It is all about balance! I think it is important for you as a contestant to not feel tied down because the opportunities to serve are endless. I hope you all find your “happy medium” when it comes to appearances outside your platform!
Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army
Volunteering at the Walk Now for Autism Speaks
Passing out cards to veterans for the American Red Cross
Attending the Purple Light event for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
If you believe in something, believe in it all the way!
Blair Wortsmith
Miss Teen International 2014
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