Dove Real Beauty Campaign Part 2

I was so honored to be invited back To Highland Elementary to take part in another Dove Real Beauty Campaign! This time the girls watched a video about the in depth photo shopping that takes place on magazine covers. They had a detailed conversation about how different the girl looked before and after and all of the girls agreed that they had no idea that photo shopping could be taken to that extreme!

The girls wanted to take a silly photo!

Next the girls watched another video where best friends were asked what they liked about themselves… Their lists were so small, yet when asked what they liked about their friends, the lists went on and on. It showed the girls that sometimes you are your toughest critic, and how other people can see all of the goodness in you!


I was then able to speak about my journey and how I found self-esteem. I really wanted to stress the importance of accomplishments giving you value and self-esteem versus how you look. Afterwards I was able to sign autographs for the girls!

Thank you so much for having me Highland!

Ignite your spark,

Samantha Riddle
Miss International 2014

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