Opportunity vs Obligation

Recently I had the opportunity to be the first female keynote speaker for the Teammates Mentoring program in the history of their annual banquet, which just to speak publicly at any point in time is such a wonderful opportunity itself, my heart is filled with gratitude.

As the night got underway, legendary hall of fame football coach Tom Osborne and founder of teammates took the stage for the introduction. I joked with the crowd that I paid him to say such sweet things about me, but really his kind words were generous.


Walter Powell and Angie Dostal were the lead of the banquet and did a amazing job organizing it!

In the weeks leading up to the speech, I re-wrote my speech a million times. Normally public speaking is a strength for me, but God had put it on my heart that this particular speech would be “life changing”. Every time I got out my laptop, I ended up generating a new outline, etc. A few days away from the event and I was again, completely re-doing the speech with the looming “This will be life changing”.

As the speech got underway my shaking legs quickly went away as I felt the prayers of so many sweep over my nerves. The room of strangers felt like people I knew for years and for the next 36 minutes I poured my soul to children who don’t have steady home lives, live in abuse, neglect, and other bad habits.

After the speech a young woman came up to me and said in my ear as she hugged me “Your speech saved my life”.

Silly me, I thought the “life changing” part God shared would be for me. I first felt a little embarrassed for thinking so selfishly, but then felt grateful for being faithful to put so much thought in to the speech.

It’s all a matter of perspective and opportunity vs obligation. May all of your appearances be seen an opportunity. Your time as a International Titleholder will fly by, be ready to change lives.

This is a great quote from Jon Gordon from his book “ The Carpenter”.

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