"Boris" - Clearing the Waters.

Hey guys , just thought Id share with you if you didnt know and in no way intending to scare more to share,

Monday night was a fun surf out at the Glen pre-wind and I came home had a shower then went back down to the beach to watch the half dozen guys out surfing, but got down to the corner I thought it was a bit weird that everyone had got out at the same time and no one was surfing,
Turns out the now affectionately named by the spearos "Boris" the 2.4m Bronze Whaler decided to do a couple of fly-by'sthrough the lineup hence the mass-exit.

Just to consolidate the story of his residency at the glen, last weekend a mate Mark Chamberlain of Abel Tasman Dive was out here spearing on a friday night and had to use the butt-end of his spear gun to make Boris go away , bunting him in the head a couple times he eventually left Mark alone,
Now the following night (saturday) Michael Standish-White, local spearo and helicopter pilot was circled by Boris and his two smaller companions ( about 3 and 4 ft long), lets affectionately name them "Pip" and "Squeak" ,as they apparently look like mice compared to Boris.

Then on sunday night, Glen resident Sam Dillon was lining up a shot at a school of Kingfish when Boris brushed against his shoulder like a purring cat whispering in his ear "which one you gonna shoot, big boy? "...
Sam said he was super happy he was already wearing his brown speedoes.

Boris is undoubtedly resident and a pretty smart fish not having to worry about catching his own food cos' a bunch of strange guys in camoflouge wetsuits do it for him, and he plucks the fish from the spears like grapes from a vine.

Certainly makes for interesting times in the water.


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