Travel With Mrs. International S4S Haiti - Part 2

Thank you for joining the journey to Haiti through the International Pageant Blogs!

Our travels rounded out visiting Gonaives, Haiti and Montroius distributing to some orphanages, schools and community centers. The last visit in Gonaives was my favorite at the orphanage because not only did we distribute shoes to the children, but our team visited their living quarters and really got a peek in to the life of a Haitian child.

The reality of these distributions is we will see all kinds of children facing different circumstances in Haiti. Some places get the children “polished” up to visit. At one location my heart hurt as children arrived without pants, all they literally had was the shirt on their back. That is poverty. The shoes we hand out here have such a life changing impact and I really want to thank EVERYONE that has been collecting for Soles4Souls, you are changing the course of people’s lives throughout the world forever. Mrs. Haiti International 2014 and Miss Haiti International 2014 thank you for sending shoes ahead of the trip, the children LOVED them!!!

This is typical of Haiti living quarters for most. No blankets, thin mattress’s (if they are luck to get a mattress).

This was the orphanage in Gonaives.

These shoes were donated by Lorraine Charles, Mrs. Haiti International 2014!

Live What you Love,

Your Mrs. International 2014


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