Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 100
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: 195 (20 pounds lost since starting Plexus on 8/26/13)
Total weight loss: 24 pounds

Last week's dream focus: Get re-focused on my dreams, leaving the past in the past; fight Satan’s attempts to lead me back to a place of victim mentality and depression; add more workout time to my life; HUSTLE my buns off; ignore the Devil's lies and deceit and shut him up when he starts in on me; keep sharing my story with others; and continue inspiring myself and others!!!

What went well: Today I'm celebrating 100 weeks of Wednesday Wow Factors!  What a great journey this has been so far!   So many ups and downs, peaks and valleys, and I'm still going!

Challenges:  I'm really relying on God to help me endure.  I'm still battling feelings of wanting to quit and just give up... but I refuse!  I will not let go of how far I've come.  Being busy, being really sick, and processing a lot of different emotions is contributing to my temptation to throw in the towel... but I won't.  My dreams are just too important! 

This week's dream focus: Get my health back to normal; stay focused on God and my dreams, forgiving myself for mistakes made; fight Satan’s attacks and ignore his lies; and trust God in ALL things!

Bonus:  This is a picture of my grandma when I was just two, in 1980.  She was so beautiful, classy, stylish, funny, full of life and energy, and one of the most loving people I've even known.  She was the queen of posing, always making my grandpa take pictures of her!  I'm pretty sure she would've been a "selfie" junkie. I miss her every day and love how her timeless style is so Pin-worthy!!!  

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