Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 101
Start date: 12/28/2011
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: 195 (Taking a break from the scale, 20 pounds lost since starting Plexus on 8/26/13?)
Total weight loss: 24 pounds

Last week's dream focus: Get my health back to normal; stay focused on God and my dreams, forgiving myself for mistakes made; fight Satan’s attacks and ignore his lies; and trust God in ALL things!

What went well: I’m putting all my effort into focusing on God’s blessings and the good things He has in store for me!  I believe He’s at work in my life and the things I’m going through are not to harm or discourage me, but to refine and improve me!  I REFUSE to be a victim of this situation.

Sometimes the biggest victory in my life is the fact that I haven’t quit… seriously.  We should never downplay the importance of NOT QUITTING!  It’s so easy and simple to give up.  Anyone can do it.  To keep pushing through when every bone in your body is tired and doesn’t feel like continuing is true strength.  This will make you an overcomer!  This will help you turn your dreams into your reality! This will make you successful in life, achieving great things no matter how insignificant they may seem to someone else!

And if you find you've already quit (like I have so many times in the past), you’re in luck!  You can start over again, today, where you are with what you have!  As long as you have breath, you get another chance to pick up where you left off and keep going, not matter how many times you've quit before!

Challenges:  Even strong people have their bad days (and weeks).  I’m emotionally worn down and am struggling to fight back tears.  Each day my endometriosis pain increases more than the day before.  Every day I’m closer to my third surgery in less than a year and a half.  It will happen in the first quarter of 2014, we’re just not sure how drastic it will be.  The pain prevents me from going to Zumba and exercising… and I’m slowly gaining weight again.  It’s not coming on as fast as before, thanks to Plexus, but it’s happening just the same.  I battle the feelings of wanting to give up.  Some days I just don't want to care... but I force myself to care.

I won’t quit.  I won’t give up.  I will rely on God and His strength to get me through this!!!!

This week's dream focus: Rely on God for strength during this adversity; forgive myself when mistakes are made; be easy on myself when things aren't happening the way I’d like them to; fight Satan’s attacks and ignore his lies; and trust God in ALL things!

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