Weather The Storm
"I'm still moving forward. I haven't quit. This isn't over. This dream is important and I won't give up on it. God has reasons for His timing that I'll one day know, but right now I have to trust that this is for my good. I cannot believe Satan's lies. He wants me to give up and fail. He wants me to stay unhappy and miserable. He wants me to settle... BUT I REFUSE TO SETTLE."
I don't feel like my normal self and I don't really feel like a rock star right now. But I AM a rock star and I know who's behind this insecurity and inferiority. I do not have to fall into Satan's trap of believing the lies he whispers. If you read this blog frequently I could see how you might be thinking "Can you find some new material already? You're constantly talking about Satan and shutting down his lies!"
Unfortunately, he never stops attacking, so I won't stop recognizing when he does... and I won't stop working to shut him down! Sometimes the best I can do is to pray and keep moving forward, even when the only thing I can handle becomes my victory - simply not quitting.
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