Wednesday Wow Factor!
Week 94
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: 200 (15 pounds lost since 8/26/13, taking a break from the scale)
Total weight loss: 20 pounds
Last week's dream focus: Get my fitness on, including the 'ZUMBA IN PINK' Zumbathon on Saturday; HUSTLE my buns off to pursue my dreams; seek God in all things I'm doing; shut that stinkin' Devil down at EVERY turn; keep viewing food as fuel and sharing my story with others; and KEEP INSPIRING MYSELF AND OTHERS!!!
What went well: The Party in Pink campaign to raise money for the new Zumba Global Research Grant for Breast Cancer Prevention, managed by Susan G. Komen, was INCREDIBLE! The weather was absolutely perfect, a bit chilly at first but we were sweating within minutes! The music was great, the instructors made it fun, and I felt so blessed to see the turnout and know we were making even a small impact to prevent such an awful disease. And some great news... I found out there's ANOTHER Party in Pink at a different location this Saturday - you know I'm there!!!
Initial weight: 220
Total weight loss: 20 pounds
Last week's dream focus: Get my fitness on, including the 'ZUMBA IN PINK' Zumbathon on Saturday; HUSTLE my buns off to pursue my dreams; seek God in all things I'm doing; shut that stinkin' Devil down at EVERY turn; keep viewing food as fuel and sharing my story with others; and KEEP INSPIRING MYSELF AND OTHERS!!!
What went well: The Party in Pink campaign to raise money for the new Zumba Global Research Grant for Breast Cancer Prevention, managed by Susan G. Komen, was INCREDIBLE! The weather was absolutely perfect, a bit chilly at first but we were sweating within minutes! The music was great, the instructors made it fun, and I felt so blessed to see the turnout and know we were making even a small impact to prevent such an awful disease. And some great news... I found out there's ANOTHER Party in Pink at a different location this Saturday - you know I'm there!!!
More great stuff - I ate better this week and didn't give into temptation to eat more than I needed to or when I wasn't truly hungry. It's funny because since starting Plexus, I don't have the cravings I used to struggle with, but I still find myself needing to be aware of my old habits, like randomly walking to the pantry, fridge, or someone's candy bowl at work JUST because it's there. But now, I see the food and it doesn't even seem appetizing to me! I stand there and look at it, then naturally make a rational decision to walk away because I'm not truly hungry and I don't even need the food! There are no tears or anger or feelings of deprivation like in the past. THANK YOU, PLEXUS! I still can't believe this product helps me in this way.
Challenges: I hit a plateau around week five (since starting Plexus) and it lasted between a week and a half to two weeks. This is week 8 and I can tell things are getting better! I really noticed the difference in my face yesterday... it looked thinner to me, in addition to appearing healthy and bright! My acne is almost totally gone with the exception of some random tiny ones that go away super fast. BONUS!
It's difficult after 5 straight weeks of dropping pounds to not lose any, to see your clothes fit a little tighter, and to feel bloated and swollen. Immediately, Satan whispers "give up, this isn't working for you, find something else to try".
Seriously? I'm really going to consider stopping this after I've seen such a huge impact? No sir. I will not give up that easily! Instead, I will be patient. I will realize and accept that plateaus happen for various reasons and it's no excuse to give up. I've heard of people hitting four month plateaus when taking Plexus, only to come out much healthier and and more successful in maintaining their new, healthy weight!
Although it's not ideal, it seems so tiny compared to the rest of your life. If I have another 45 years to live (or more), what's another 4 months if it means I'll finally see my dream come true? I totally feel it's worth the wait and patience! After all, we deserve to see our dreams become our reality. I will not be stressed that the pounds aren't falling off at some incredible, unrealistic rate of speed, but I will have faith that God knows what He's doing and this WILL happen in His timing!
(P.S. - I plan to post on enduring plateaus this week on my Overweight... AND LOSING IT with Plexus! blog.)
This week's dream focus: Attend my second 'Party in Pink' Zumbathon on Saturday; be super patient with my progress and enjoy the journey; HUSTLE my buns off to pursue my dreams; seek God in all things I'm doing; ignore the Devil's lies and deceit; keep viewing food as fuel and sharing my story with others; and KEEP INSPIRING MYSELF AND OTHERS!!!
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