Endurance Insurance

Tonight I had the opportunity to hit the gym early, so I did!  I walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes before class.  It doesn't really sound like much and, in the past, it really wasn't a big deal.  Tonight was the first time I'd been on a treadmill since before my pain and surgery, so it felt great... until about 30 minutes into Zumba!  I was DYING and regretting the "bonus work"!  We did an all hip hop class, with the exception of one Latin song and a throwback of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" (SO FUN!  I felt like I was in kindergarten again singing and dancing with my cousins!!!)  I was having a great time, but when it started getting difficult, I honestly just wanted to quit.

I thought my ankles were going to give out.  I could hardly drink my water because I couldn't catch my breath.  My chest was tight.  I thought "Dang, this was supposed to be easier by now!" (yet it was only the fourth Zumba class and workout I've done in the last month).  I started feeling tired.  I started to really dislike what I saw in the mirror.  I started thinking "Oh my gosh, you are so fat."  I was slacking on the moves.  I started giving up.  

I was soon reminded of my dream to get rid of this weight, and my dream of eventually leading Zumba classes, and my dream of wearing dresses, and my dream of shopping in any store I want, and my dream of living a healthy life... and instantly, I felt transformed!  The urge to give up disintegrated and my focus shifted from the pain to the gain!

I did NOT quit! 

I hung in there.  I kept going,  I didn't do all the moves right, but I continued to move.  I shifted my focus.  I thought about what I wanted more than quitting.  I determined that sticking with it would give me the slight edge.  I knew I would make myself proud for not giving up.  I endured.

And I completed the class... all 60 minutes of it!

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