We Can Do This!

God does so much more for us than we ever realize or acknowledge.  How often do we stop and thank Him?  It's usually easy to thank God after near death experiences and close calls, but those little, simple blessings He pours on us daily are often overlooked.  I'm trying to be more aware of those little things and praise God in both the sunshine and the storm.  

At times, this can seem difficult to do on the way to your dream.  While you're doing the hard work and not seeing fast results, it can be easy to sink into frustration, negativity, and victim mode.  But we CAN rise above all of that!  

-We can speak blessings into our lives and the lives of others!  
-We can trust that God is working in our situations, in our hearts, and for a greater purpose!  
-We can believe God hears us and He is moving, even when we can't see it!  
-We can look for the lessons to be learned during times of refining!
-We can surround ourselves with those who can support and encourage us as we press on!
-We can share our story with others proclaiming how great our God is!
-We can keep our relationship with God alive through prayer and reading His Word!
-We can forgive ourselves when mistakes are made and keep our eyes on our dreams!
-We can believe in ourselves and ask God to help us through those hard times!
-We can be proud of the progress we make, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem!

Now, say it with me... "WE CAN DO THIS!"

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