12 Tips for Overcoming!

Over past last few months I've spoken with people who find themselves in a place they don't want to be.  They envision living the life of their dreams, but feel super overwhelmed and don't even know where to start.
I’ve been there. 
Sometimes getting started canbe difficult, so I created a list of habits I’ve formed that are helping me overcome and turn dreams into reality.  These don’t apply to weight loss only; they can be applied to any area of your life!  I hope they help you!  

12 Tips for Overcoming!

*Don’t place too much focus on the numbers - not the numbers on the scale or the amount of clothing sizes you want to drop; it will happen in time!

*Continuously make good choices to keep you moving in the direction of your dreams. EVERY choice matters… and you'll see the benefits as time moves on! There’s no quick fix, just be patient!

*Take it easy on yourself! You WILL make mistakes, so be okay with that. But don’t give up when you do. You wouldn't slash the other three tires on your car just because you had one that was flat, right?  So don't go crazy on me and give up on your dreams because you made a few (or a thousand) mistakes!  Forgive yourself, seek what you can learn from it, and keep moving forward!

*Give yourself credit when you do good things and make good choices! Don’t reward yourself with food, but soak in the feelings of accomplishment! And, if there’s no one you tell your little victories to, TELL ME! I would love to celebrate with you!

*Shut down negativity at all costs!  This means negative thoughts, negative words, negative people, negative places, negative situations, and any other kind of negative influence.

*Surround yourself with positivity wherever you can find it; Facebook pages, websites, blogs, people, books, music, church, support groups, fitness classes, etc.  Happiness is contagious!  CATCH IT!

*Do what works for YOU!  There are a billion ideas and suggestions of how to lose weight.  They don't all work for everyone, and some don't work at all!  Do your research, try different things.  If they work for you, GREAT!  If they don't, skip it and try something else!  Customize YOUR life!

*Get up and move!  Just start somewhere.  You don’t have to join a gym.  You don’t have to run a mile the first day… or ever.  It’s not mandatory to get a personal trainer.  But if that will help you succeed, THEN DO IT!  Focus on the fact that any amount of moving will lead you closer to your dream.  Every little amount adds up over time!  Do what works for you!

*Drink plenty of water.  It’s super good for you!

*Make a list of the advantages of losing weight that YOU see for your life.  If it’s important to you, write it down. Nothing is too insignificant.  When you’re tempted to be lazy instead of moving or eat when you aren't truly hungry, read these advantages and imagine how you’ll feel when they become your reality.  Let them fuel your progress!  EVERY decision you make will either get you closer to your dream or will keep you from it.  It’s up to you.

*Enjoy the journey!  Live life to the fullest, even when you don’t feel like it!  Focus on your blessings!  Focus on where you want to be and what you can do to get there!  Your outlook makes all the difference.

*Don’t be a victim.  Be an overcomer!  Victims say “It may be possible but it’s difficult.”  Overcomers say “It may be difficult, but it’s possible!”  Victims see the pain.  Overcomers see the gain!  Victims see problems.  Overcomers see possibilities!  Victims let it happen.  Overcomers MAKE IT HAPPEN!

If you still aren't sure how to start, choose one of these tips and focus on it for a week.  Then, add another the next week… then another.  Things will begin to change before you know it!  You’ll be so much closer to your dreams with each positive decision you make!  


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