Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 83
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: ?  (Last weigh-in 7/10/13)
Total weight loss: 17 pounds

Last week's dream focus: Be patient while my body adjusts; keep pursuing those dreams; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; begin easing into fitness; AND GET REST!

What went well: I continue to press on!  I'm turning to God during really difficult times, trusting He'll bring me through.  I have a great family, a home, a job, transportation, and food on the table daily.  I'm blessed beyond belief, even when things aren't totally "going my way".

OH!  And the boy is officially a licensed driver!  He passed his test on the first try!  I'm proud, scared, and wondering why time has to fly by so fast.  :)

Challenges:  I've found this week to be more challenging that the previous.  My body is trying to adjust to the change in hormones and it's been pretty rough some days.  Sunday, Satan began attacking from the time I awoke and it was bad.  I felt anger, rage, sadness, frustration, and insecurity all before I walked in the church doors.  I marched in and began to cry, telling the praise team I needed serious prayer to get the negative energy away from me.  I asked God how I was supposed to stand on that stage and lead the congregation in worship singing "Oh, Happy Day" when I didn't feel it.  I knew He would pull me through!

After prayer and practice, things began to get better.  But it was the Soul Detox lesson I taught in Sunday school that really helped me pull right out of the funk... almost like I was going through an actual detoxification, cleansing impurities and contaminates from my mind, body, and soul!  When it was time to lead worship - I began with prayer, thanking God for delivering us from our sins and the attacks of the Devil.  In Jesus' name, I cast that evil out of our church, away from our people, and demanded he not distract us.  Worship was amazing and I felt like the old (super young) me!!!

I was able to enjoy the afternoon with my family, but by Sunday evening I was in full migraine mode.  The mold in Kansas City has been out of control, so for three days I've been fighting seriously nauseating headaches.  It could be a result of the hormones, I suppose.  Regardless, it prevented me from being able to handle blogging on Monday or Tuesday, so I really apologize for not posting.  Sometimes life is overwhelming and priorities have to be set, right?  And that's what I had to do.

In the midst of all these headaches and hormones, I've been really struggling with the pursuit of another dream and I feel SO STUCK.  ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY STUCK.  It's not like I'm sitting around complaining and not attempting to do something about it.  I guess the timing has not arrived for it, so I press on, trusting God's timing.

This week's dream focus: Be patient while my body adjusts to the change in hormone levels; keep pursuing my dreams; hustle to make this certain dream come true; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; begin easing into fitness; AND GET REST!


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