Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 85
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: ?  (Last weigh-in 7/10/13)
Total weight loss: 17 pounds

Last week's dream focus
PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE... with more than just that "one" dream;  get to the gym - for real; hustle to make these dreams come true; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; begin easing into fitness; AND GET REST!

What went well: God is helping me forgive myself for mistakes made and to keep moving forward.  Satan is really attacking, but God is SO much bigger!!!  I've had days where I feel so down on myself for getting back to where I didn't really want to be, but I'm forgiven, so I have to move forward!  I'm staying afloat, trying to keep focused, and surrounding myself with positivity.

A weekend traveling to the south was a challenge for sure - it always is!  We enjoyed our old favorites, but I went overboard with desserts, convenience store snacks, and even some sweet tea (which I've totally resisted during the last three trips to Louisiana).  I didn't do my best, but I've certainly done worse!

I haven't made it back to the gym.  In the last two weeks I've started to experience pain again, less than two months after surgery.  I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to deal with this.  It's frustrating and I don't exactly know what to do or where this is leading.  

Endometriosis is not fun.

This week's dream focus: Keep being positive, adding one good thing every day to develop my good habits again;  get to the gym (if the pain will cease); hustle to make these dreams come true; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; and forgive myself when mistakes are made... after all, I'm human!

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