Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 84
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: ?  (Last weigh-in 7/10/13)
Total weight loss: 17 pounds

Last week's dream focus: Be patient while my body adjusts to the change in hormone levels; keep pursuing my dreams; hustle to make this certain dream come true; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; begin easing into fitness; AND GET REST!

What went well: I think my hormones are starting to level out!  If you read last week's WWF, you'll understand what a HUGE victory and answer to prayer this is!  I haven't killed anyone or ripped anyone's head off.  SCORE!

I said no to a few "eating when I'm not really hungry" temptations and to say that, with the way I've been eating lately, is a bonus!  I've been pursuing that "other" dream I've been struggling with and I'm making a lot of progress towards it.  I'm punching fear in the face each chance I get and I'm making things happen.  I WON'T settle!

Challenges:  So, although I said no to a few 
"eating when I'm not really hungry" temptations, I've binged and gone out of control on a few other occasions.  I haven't blown it, I've just been doing the Cha-Cha quite a bit! 

The gym and Zumba?   Well, that still hasn't picked back up.  I haven't made time and I haven't made it a priority.  I've allowed anything and everything else to get in the way of that routine.  What did I just say about punching fear in the face?  Hmm... I have some soul searching to do here.

This week's dream focus: PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE... with more than just that "one" dream;  get to the gym - for real; hustle to make these dreams come true; STOP running to food for comfort when I'm feeling stressed; begin easing into fitness; AND GET REST!

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