Some time in the Green Mountains

Greetings from Vermont!  

Covered bridges of VT are so cool - makes you just want to stop and take a picture. This one is in Warrren.

Mike and I have been enjoying summer on home soil for the past few weeks while on a month long east coast racing road trip.  We spent the last week in Vermont  where we have been enjoying some time with our long time friends and racing buddies  Marilyn and Adam.  

It is always a treat to ride in the summer up in the green mountains  where you can bag a couple of gaps (what they call passes up in these parts) while putting together innumerable sensational loops that can be made up of your choice of pavement, dirt and trail.  The dedicated MTB trails up this way are also a fantastic blend of big and ornery, making this a banner week of training.

shuttling to the trails 
Deep in the Green Mountains of VT
Training in the back woods 

We even had the chance to spend a night  out at the  local dirt track to watch Adam and a ton of other mad fast enthusiasts rip 1/4 mile ovals in dirt midgets and other purpose built off road race cars.  that was an all together different experience of being at the races. We got our pit passes on and posted up on some bleacher close enough to the action to have the hair standing up on our necks for the night and to be picking dirt out of our teeth after the event.  It was a new experience for us and turned out to be a good chance to see a new style of racing than we are used to.  It was great to see the show and spend a little time watching the races rather than competing.

These guys hit 80mph on a 1/2 mile dirt oval!!! 

The Dirt Midget race crew - Whitney Motor sports 

Sharing meals and good times with Marilyn and Adam

Our week of sharing healthy meals, great stories from the past and training went faster than most.  Soon Mike and I  were headed up to the the Pro XTC finals in Williston.  It's been over ten years since Mike and I raced at the Catamount Family Center and we were happy to see the place still hosting events and now with a huge improvement of trail infrastructure.  

Locals, Lea and Sabra Davison helped organize a great weekend centered around promoting women's racing and equality in the sport.  The "Little Bellas", their girls mtb club - were out in force!   Lemonade Socials, "Meet the Pros" night and races for everyone.  The good down home MTB vibe was flowing!  

Fun evening at "Meet the Pro's Night" in Burlington, VT.
When we arrived to pre ride the course on Friday we found they incorporated a lot of new school berms, launches and even a committed 4+ foot gap!  The  new style features on this course are coming up more often in the WC circuit and in XC racing in general.  Although it  is potentially more dangerous, it does make for a chance for those to hit the A line features to have an advantage in the race and of course really adds a lot to the excitement from a spectators standpoint.   To be honest, a lot of us were pissed as it truly risks our health and if we want to have a chance for a good result we must do it.  I've had a mental block against these types of features and often choose to take the B line, not wanting to risk injury.  

I was initially scared and did not even want to try it especially feeling fit and having my focus set on the Mont Ste Anne World Cup the next weekend, but I knew deep down that I wanted to try.  I watched as many other riders were easily flying over the obstacles seemingly with no problem and I started to believe that if I could get over my mental block and fear I could probably do it…  After much deliberation, I decided I at least better try the first (and easier) launch… 

So my afternoon training became about pushing my mental barriers.  It was now or never and this was the perfect setting to try.   Mike went for another lap on his own and I stood studying the sections I wanted to try.  Soon, encouraging words and tips came from other rider who were out there - masters, local kids, amateurs… we were all individuals out on our mtbs, having a good time and trying to learn/push limits.  Eventually the motivation to go and just do it overcame me.   I was inspired by these simple calm and rhythmic words "Just Push, Push, Pop".  I did just that and sailed over the obstacle, landing a little hard, but still upright!  I went back and did it again, this time landing a little smoother, STOKED,  It was fun.

I even had the chance to share my new found confidence with a young girl who was struggling too.  She asked if she could follow me off it.  I was like, oh my gosh, I don't know but, OK, let's try again.  And so I went one more time, nailed it and so did she!  :-)

So I was now inspired to try the next obstacle - the 4 foot gap jump. After some time and watching others,  I ended up following Mike off, matching his speed and body movements and nailed it!  OK I actually landed a little short and smashed up my wheel a little, but I now had the confidence and feeling that I could go for it and dialed in the feature this time with a little more speed and lifting.

Mary Boosting the A line in the race
Ripping through the sumac

Mike Race tuning the bikes 
Race day went great - I was feeling some peak form along with the confidence to "send it" over the A lines.   Lea Davison was flying off the front alone and I ended up riding with the 2011 world champ, and good friend, catherine pendrel for the entire race, taking turns pulling.   I think I might have taken her in the sprint if I did not wash out on a slick grassy turn before the end.  But I was super happy with the result, 3rd for the day, and partied on the podium!  

So stoked to know I can still grow and improve in this awesome sport.

We are now on the way to  to Mont Ste Anne for the next round of the WC.  Fingers crossed for a good one.

Mike gets to do the dirty work... thanks, my man!

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