Just Keep Swimmin'

I'm back and recovery is going great!  I'm healing so much faster this time around compared to last August's surgery and it's super encouraging!  Some days have been more difficult than others, but I'm feeling better each day.  My follow-up with the surgeon was fabulous!  She released me to return to work next Monday... a week earlier than expected.  I'll also be able to return to the gym in another week to slowly ease back into fitness... and eventually I'll be ready to do Zumba again (CANNOT WAIT!)  It feels so great to be validated that all the pain I endured for weeks was actually caused by three somethings... and it wasn't all in my head!

Satan started working on me again during recovery, trying to discourage me by putting thoughts in my head that have me questioning my future, my dreams, and my capabilities.  But I continue to shut him out and focus on God!  I believe things are happening in their proper timing, so I move forward and trust in what God's going to do in my life.  Desperate for inspiration last week, I revisited my Amazon wish list and finally ordered some books I've been wanting for months (some for years)!  Check 'em out!

Satan will NOT get the best of this girl... I'm over his shenanigans.  I'm getting my motivation on!  Great things WILL happen in my life that will help others and make me a better person.  

I refuse to settle.  I refuse to give up.  And although I'm definitely not where I expected to be with my weight at this point, I'm spiritually, emotionally, and physically stronger than I was when I started on December 28, 2011.  I'm going to dive into these books to focus on my relationship with God, my dream career, weight loss, creating new habits that stick, and the continued pursuit of my dreams.

It hasn't been easy and some days I've felt like giving up.  But I won't quit.  I plan to keep swimming.

FYI: My next blog entry will be posted on Monday, July 1!

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