Wednesday Wow Factor!

Week 65
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220 
Current weight: 198 (Last weigh-in 2/13/13)
Total weight loss: 22 pounds! 

Last week's dream focus: Keep making good food choices; continue shutting the devil down when he tries to creep around me; continue giving God the praise for helping me through such difficult situations and making it worth my while to hang in there; and make time to work on Zumba choreography!

What went well: I am getting back on track with eating... and that started yesterday!  I faced a lot of challenges last week and didn't do so well.  I made poor choices and gave into temptation more than once.  It happened.  I'm over it.  That's all behind me now and I'm moving forward!  
Yesterday, I went to a new Zumba class I've never attended and had fun!  I saw yet another instructor leading in different ways with a different style and that inspires me!  It helps me to get ideas of what I can do when I lead my own classes.  The best part?  After talking with her, she also said I could jump in and lead a song any time.  HOW AWESOME IS THAT?  I now have three opportunities to get used to leading!  God is so good...

Challenges:  Blogging, in general, has been so difficult for me lately.  I don't have writers block, I just have SO much going on and struggle to find time to write EVERY day.  I could stay up late and get a post in, but I know when my body needs rest.  If I deny it, it wont' be pretty!  I'm glad you understand and are patient with me... it means more than you know!
It seems like I was tempted all week long and pretty much gave in every time.  I rarely said no to anything I wanted to eat.  Easter lunch, ball park food, candy, birthday dinner, cookie cake, key lime cheesecake, and the list goes on.  I was dumb.  I don't like what I saw in me last week.  That's not who I want to be at all!  I've made so much progress and I want to keep going!  
So you know what?  That's what I'm doing.  I'm not going to sit around and cry and mope about how I messed up.  I'm not going to wallow in the fact that I made some mistakes.  It doesn't mean I've ruined everything I've worked so hard for since December 28, 2011.  The fact that I don't like seeing myself slip back into old, bad habits tells me I've made new, good ones... and Satan wants to trip me up.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN!  Maybe I've hit a plateau, but it's no reason to throw in the towel!  Instead, I'll use it to wipe the sweat off my brow during Zumba!   :)

This week's dream focus: Forgive myself for making mistakes - then move on; continue making good food choices; prioritize what MUST be done and what can wait; find/make time to work on Zumba choreography!

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