The Devil is an Idiot

The devil is an idiot.

He's clever, but a total idiot.

When we learn how to stand against his stupid tactics, it's much easier to move forward and not allow them to ruin your day - or life!  Let me share an example...

An insecurity I've struggled with for years is my nose (I've blogged about this before).  It's not as bad as it used to be because I'm working to overcome it, but the devil's very aware of that and he enjoys bringing it up.  This morning, while looking at my blog stats, I noticed something.  The picture below shows specific keywords that led someone to my blog, and how many times this occurred.  It won't take long for you to see what the devil searched for...

My first thought was "seriously?"  Then, I was like "whatever."  I was instantly aware who was behind this.  He's an idiot who tried to ruin my day... but it's not gonna happen! 

In the past, this may have hurt my heart and torn me down.  But today I look at this with different eyes!  I see that 8 of the 9 searches were positive, uplifting, and self-improving!   They're people looking to make changes in their life or surround themselves with something good, something that will propel them towards their dreams!  They're people with a desire to no longer settle for the way it's always been or an unfulfilled life!


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