He's Got Your Back

No matter what you're going through, God can use it for good.  I'm finding this reminder really helps me when I'm faced with adversity, no matter how great or small.  The more I focus on the dreams God's placed in my heart, the more determined my spirit is to prevent anything from getting in the way of those dreams... especially Satan.  He obviously doesn't want me to be happy or fruitful or doing good things that align with God's plan.  That's why he's always throwing something new in my way to make me lose hope.  But my life, my heart, my future belongs to my Heavenly Father... and He won't let me down!

I've been thinking a lot about the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?"   I learn a person who does so many good things in the world to help others, and makes the world a better place, is suffering from a disease, loss, or tragedy and find myself thinking "Why couldn't that happen to a rapist, murderer, or child molester.  It's the least they deserve for the things they've done.  It's just not fair!"  

But God doesn't see it that way.  Everyone on this earth has good in them... and bad.  We all make our own decisions based on our past, our present, our ideas about the future, the lies Satan tells us, and the insecurity and inferiority he leads us to feel.  We react.  We have regrets.  We want do-overs.  We want to take things back.  We learn our lessons.  We all sin.  

And God loves us anyway.

Good things happen to people.  Bad things happen to people.  This is life.  However, our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we respond to those things. 

God knows the impact our story can have on others if we allow Him to use it.  He knows what our heart wants... but He also knows what we NEED.  We may begin to realize our dreams might not turn out the way we wanted or expected.  That maybe God has a different plan for us than we've ever had for ourselves.  

A better plan.  

It can be hard to comprehend this when you feel your dream beginning to dissolve, making room for a new one.  But when you open your heart to God's plan for you, and put aside your own ideas, He will follow through on His promise to never leave you or forsake you, no matter the outcome.  It's in His hands and He's got your back!  

"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  Deuteronomy 31:8

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