WERQ It Out!

The devil is not going to keep me from my dreams.

Just thought I'd throw that out there... he needs to be reminded. 

Today was overwhelming.  After five tear-free days, I was put to the test again and almost couldn't handle it.  I'm so tired of this struggle.  I'm so sick of crying about this adversity.  I'm so ready for it to be behind me. 


The only thing I wanted to do was come home and go directly to bed.  That's not good.  I knew I needed to hit the gym and, if I did, it would make me feel better.  The gym I'm a member of has multiple locations in the area, so I looked at the schedule of the newest one.  They had a class at 5:00 called WERQ.  I didn't see a description but I remember hearing it was a dance class so... of course I was in!  After checking out WERQFitness.com, I knew I couldn't miss it.

It was the first WERQ class at this gym (last week's was cancelled because of the snow storm).  Five women and the instructor danced for 50 minutes, sweating and having fun!  I'll definitely go back, especially since it doesn't conflict with Zumba.  The best part, I DID feel better after that awful day!  I WERQ'd my aggression and frustration out.  AND I could really notice my weight loss... even more exciting! 

I can't change the fact that I'm going through this crap.  But... 
I CAN change how I allow it to impact me.
I CAN change my outlook, thoughts, and actions.
I CAN remind the devil he will NOT keep me from my dreams.
I CAN repeat this...

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