Wednesday Wow Factor!
Week 62
Start date: 12/28/11
Initial weight: 220
Current weight: 198 (Last weigh-in 2/13/13... I'll weigh again next week!)
Total weight loss: 22 pounds! I'm back to my pre-surgery weight!
Last week's dream focus: Keep my eyes on God and His plan for me, trusting that He knows what I need and when I need it; continue eating well - making smart choices when dining out (a constant struggle); work out as much as possible; and BELIEVE THAT GOD MAKES ALL THING WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD!!! (Romans 8:28)
Initial weight: 220
Total weight loss: 22 pounds! I'm back to my pre-surgery weight!
Last week's dream focus: Keep my eyes on God and His plan for me, trusting that He knows what I need and when I need it; continue eating well - making smart choices when dining out (a constant struggle); work out as much as possible; and BELIEVE THAT GOD MAKES ALL THING WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD!!! (Romans 8:28)
Fourteen months ago I was moved to a different group working on a product I felt wasn't a good fit. I knew I wouldn't be working within my strengths more than 70% of the time, but I took on the challenge. It was difficult at first, but got a little better when I worked on a project that was much like what I'd done in the past. When that project was complete, it was back to the uncomfortable.
I endured for months. I made the best of it. I tried hard to shut out that inner voice telling me I couldn't do it. But there finally came a time when I realized I don't need to struggle so hard fighting through things I'm weak at when I can soar using my strengths. And that realization exposed how miserable I really was. The tears began to flow. My stomach began to hurt. Everything felt more difficult than it ever did.
Through it all I relied on God to get me through the transition from where I was to wherever He was taking me. I trusted His plan. I knew He'd get me through. And it helped... but the meltdown still occurred - and in His timing for the right reasons.
I'm now in a new group working on a product that allows me to work with my strengths! He delivered me so much fasted than I could've imagined and I'm so thankful! I'm still pursuing my dreams. I fully know my vocation - my calling - but I know I can't get there overnight. I have to be patient and continue trusting in God. Until then, I'm going to ROCK this new position - no matter how long that is! YAY GOD... AND THANK YOU!!!
Challenges: A road trip to Louisiana. 'Nuff said! :)
This week's dream focus: Continue praising God for delivering me and helping me overcome such adversity; improve my choices when dining out (a constant struggle); and work out as much as possible!
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