I Crossed Another One Off!

I DID IT!  I made another dream come true!

Since I began this journey, I've tried to always seek God's will for my life.  I've asked Him to show me the right paths to take and I've believed in His plan for me, even when I couldn't see the outcome and didn't understand His timing.  Each time I found myself in the midst of hard times, I trusted Him to get me through.  He hasn't failed!

Last Friday I was able to cross another dream off my dream list.  "Become a Zumba Instructor" is now a reality!  I MADE IT HAPPEN!  Thank you, God for bringing me to this point!  Thank you for giving me the strength to withstand Satan's attacks!

Zumba instructor training day was a long and exhausting, but fun day!  There was a ton of dancing, a great deal of learning, a lot of laughter, a surprise leaky ceiling, and music galore.  The snow storm that was headed our way caused a change in barometric pressure, which caused my head to hurt like heck all day.  A low-grade migraine (just one step beyond a really bad headache) plagued me and prevented me from enjoying the experience at it's fullest.  But it didn't stop me!

After the first 45 minutes of dancing, I was sweating like crazy and as thirsty as ever!  But the cool part was how much I really wanted to learn.  When you're passionate about something, you can't help but soak it all in!  I met some amazing people and made connections I feel will be meaningful. 

I encourage all of you to create a dream list and begin pursuing them.  The more you do it, and the more dreams you make come true, the more fulfilled your life will become!  Don't settle for an ordinary life.  Don't wake up one morning and regret what you didn't do.  Now is your time... MAKE IT HAPPEN!  I'm proof that it CAN happen!

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