Tropical Far North Queensland......

Palm cove was calling again, and as we sifted through family photographs recalling the wonderful memories of our last holiday, my babydoll at the time being just 8 months old was besotted with a photograph of herself in a gorgeous yellow dress and bloomers , (that had belonged to her big sister) on a trip to Birdworld in kuranda.

 Naturally the yellow birds were all over her pram and she wanted to attract those same birds almost 4 years later.... Only problem!!! Mummy!! I don't have a yellow dress!!!

Little Lucie besotted with 'The" yellow parrot

The hunt was on!!! Yellow was pretty hard to find 5 years ago, but we desperately needed one for the yellow birdy to land on my baby doll, so we scoured every store we possibly could and stumbled on one last minute. I thought I was  almost going to have to whip something up on the old sewing machine!

The luck of the gods was with us and we found... You guessed it... a yellow dress!! It was perfect! Miss Lucie was ecstatic and as soon as we arrived home she whipped it on but such delight soon turned to rage, when I noticed a floor in the dress and asked her very nicely to please take the dress off so that we could return it to the store and exchange it!! Being a feisty four year old, she just didn't understand the concept that mummy was taking my brand new beautiful yellow dress away from me!!!

 If you knew little Lucie, once she becomes upset, she is such a sensitive soul that she just cries and cries and cries , and you cannot console her... You just have to let her go.. 40minutes later she had calmed herself down and was in a fit state to discuss what was happening!!!

The dress was returned and swapped for one exactly the same, flaw free and it was pure JOY!!!

Next problem....."What if the yellow birdie's don't like me this time"??? asks Miss Lucie very worrisome.

Luckily for Lucie, (and for us) the yellow dress was a hit with the yellow parrots and she attracted a lot of attention.

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