Post Rabies Vaccinations..

The family had visited a monkey school during our time in Koh Lanta in January 2012 on advice from our resort and all four children absolutely adored watching the trained monkeys perform some very interesting tricks, especially untying Daddy, riding a bicycle and playing Basketball.

 After the show the staff encouraged everyone to feed the monkeys with banana's which we were very wary of as we have learnt over the years of travelling in Asia at just how aggressive these monkeys can quickly become.The children were very wary but unfortunately for us one of the feral little baby monkeys jumped on Isabellas shoulder and bit her!!!!

OMG!! Did this little feral monkey just bite my babydoll Isabella?? And I caught it on camera??? Initial reaction, don't panic, it hasn't broken the skin....but gotta love good old google! What if the monkeys saliva comes into contact with her eyes and other bodily parts????...RABIES!!! PANIC MUCH?????

Okay, so my initial reaction was not to panic as it hadn't broken the skin, just bruised it, but after procrastinating over it during the day and googling it later in the evening, I decided that first thing in the morning we would head off to find The SIAM International Medical clinic, that I had previously spotted roadside along one of our outings to Lanta Gym.

After a sleepless night Isabella and I rose super early and left the other 4 sleeping and went to find our 'TUK- TUK ' driver 'DA', who had very little English skills, first he took us to Lanta Pier, God knows why as I was trying to explain the directions to the clinic that I had spotted on the  way to "Lanta Gym' where we had been studying the art of Muay Thai.

After about an hour, he realised where we were heading and we arrived at the clinic for a consultation and you guessed it......a course of post rabies vaccinations over the duration of 28 days.

Isabella being prepped for her first of 5 post rabies vaccinations.

Bella very proudly holds onto her Vaccine box...ahhhh.....the joys of Asia.....xx

Okay, so after feeling much relief , and with our schedule of vaccinations, the next due on Day 3 we headed back to the resort to 4 sleepy family members and hit the breakfast buffet.

It occurred to me that Isabella's next dose on Day 3 we would be in Ao Nang, Krabi, so I  did my research and found a fantastic Muslim hospital in Krabi town that treats all  religious dominations, we were given priority care as we were paying cash, 2 doses down...3 to go.

So seriously...this could only happen to my family!!! will never guess what happened next, approximately 5 days adorable 7 year old baby boy who adores Dogs, (as his best friend at home is his Maltese shitzu 'Charlie' who is the most placid animal on earth)......and no matter how many times we kept telling him , WILL.....don't play with the dogs, Will.... don't feed the dogs.....WILLIAM.... don't pat the dogs, well you can probably already guess what happened???

YES! William copped a Dog bite to the hand, and it was quite nasty, so now feeling like an expert we headed to the Island pharmacy about a 5 minute walk to buy some bettadine to clean the wound and then high tailed it to the Islands medical centre, which was only a 10 minute walk, I already knew what we were in guessed it ...another Post rabies vaccination!!!

My brave boy being prepped for his first dose of Post rabies Vaccine...

The Children watch over

Will, proudly showing off his vaccine

Rabies blood....William just received his 2nd dose and Isabella her 3rd.....xx

The children were not at all fussed by this and were superstars over the course of their 28 day day post rabies schedule, having the remainder 2 shots at home, I must say that if you are in need of Post Rabies Vaccine, Asia is the place to have it, on arrival home the vaccine was almost double the price, I shouldn't be surprised given the fact that we do live in one of the worlds most expensive countries. Isabella is now absolutely terrified of these monkeys and lets hope that Will has learnt not to play with strange dogs.....but knowing kids and especially boys, well you never really know, do you??

Despite this , it has not turned us off travelling to Asia in the least as there are always good medical facilities given that you are not in too remote of a location. We are heading back in December and hopefully the children will try and restrain themselves from playing with animals.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this whilst travelling abroad??? We would love to hear your

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